March 2000: Our Watch was formed at a public meeting held at St.Georges Hall of Residence with Liz herbert and representatives
of the Thames Valley Police.
This had been preceded by a polling of neighbours, and then meetings at Reading Police Station between the
Watch Founder (Stephen B. Cox) and his neighbour and Liz Herbert area manager for Reading of Neighbourhood Watch.
Over the years we have made excellent progress and some of the notable developments have been:
Police News: Immediate dissemination to all households and to the University of police message/warnings/items.
Newsletters: Introduction of a regular Newsletter which goes out by email to all Watch
households and also to the Police.
Early Warning: An early warning system by e-mail and telephone whereby all incidents and suspicious
behaviour etc is reported to each and to the co-ordinator (and thus to the Police also).
Community Audit: Regular street checks for:tax discs; abandoned vehicles; grafiitti; car damage; and
assess other matters. This has reuslted in untaxed vehicles being towed away; quick removal of graffiti; reduction of
ASB incidents.
Police Award: Thames Valley Neighbour Watch award to Stephen Cox in 2004.
PCSO's meetings: Weekly seoarate meetings between the Co-ordinator Stephen Cox and the two
groups of PCSO's ( for Redlands, and for Univ/Whiteknights).
Police Liaison: Regular contact and discussion with the district Inspector and Sergeant and with
the Neighourhood Specialist Officers; and meetings with the latter.
Neighbourhood Policing: Full participation in street briefings, surveys and public meetings which
led to the rolling out by Thames Valley Police of the Neigbourhood Policing for Redlands and Whiteknights areas.
ASB Signage: We assisted the police in the extensive erection of Police Anti-Social Behaviour
Warning signs in both roads.
NAG (Neighburhood Action Group) Participaiton and representation (via Stephen Cox) at the
Redlands/Whiteknights Neighbourhood Action Group (establishd March 2007).
Media: Articles by Stephen Cox in the Evening Post, and also news items and by/with PCSO's on
community policing/neighbourhood watch.
East Reading NHW's: Establishment of an information/support email news group for Watch co-ordinartors
in East Reading.
University: Communication and liaison with the University Community Relations Manager, and with
the Campus Security Manager.
All text this page © 2007: Stephen B. Cox